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Научные публикации

Артоксан (Теноксикам)
Intra-articular tenoxicam improves postoperative analgesia in knee arthroscopy
Pharmacological and biochemical activities of Tenoxicam (Ro 12-0068), a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Intravenous tenoxicam reduces uterine cramps after Cesarean delivery

Биоселак (Lactobacillus rhamnosus 573)

Бронолак (Амброксол)
Inhibition of inflammatory responses by ambroxol, a mucolytic agent, in a murine model of acute lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Treated with Oral Ambroxol Hydrochloride and Bronchoalveolar Lavage
Protective effect of ambroxol against heat- and hydrogen peroxideinduced damage to lung lipids in mice

Централ-Б (Пассифлора/Боярышник/Валериана)

Эрметин (Ивермектин)
Subcutaneous Ivermectın As A Safe Salvage Therapy In Strongyloıdes Stercoralıs Hyperınfectıon Syndrome: A Case Report
Impact of ivermectin on illness and disability associated with onchocerciasis
Ivermectin imposes selection pressure on P-glycoprotein from Onchocerca volvulus: linkage disequilibrium and genotype diversity

Флапрокс (Ципрофлоксацин)
Use Of Ciprofloxacin Or Doxycycline For Postexposure Prophylaxis For Preventıon Of Inhalatıonal Anthrax
Sequential intravenous-oral administration of ciprofloxacin vs ceftazidime in serious bacterial respiratory tract infections
Antibiotic Prophylaxis In Prostate Biopsy. A Comparative Randomized Clinical Assay Between Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin And Chloramphenicol

Ланторол (Лансопразол)
Lansoprazole Compared With Ranitidine for the Treatment of Nonerosive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
A Comparison of 10 and 14 Days of Lansoprazole Triple Therapy for Eradication of Helicobacter pylori
Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Lansoprazole Versus Omeprazole in Maintenance Treatment of Symptomatic Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Лопигрол (Клопидогрель)
Clopidogrel and modifiedrelease dipyridamole in the prevention of occlusive vascular events
Cost-effectiveness of clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome in Switzerland
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Clopidogrel in Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease
Репретин (Эритропоэтин альфа)
Epoetin-Alpha: Preserving Kidney Function via Attenuation of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Priming
High-doses epoetin alpha in patients with multiple myelomarelated anaemia: early response and effective maintenance treatment with a longer dosing interval
Cellular protection by erythropoietin: new therapeutic implications?

Pharmacokinetic Analysis of the Cardioprotective Effect of 3-(2,2,2-Trimethylhydrazinium) Propionate in Mice: Inhibition of Carnitine Transport in Kidney
Pharmacokınetics And Bıological Fate Of 3-(2,2,2-Trimethylhydrazinium) Propionate Dihydrate (Met-88), A Novel Cardioprotective Agent, In Rats
Uptake of Cardiovascular Drugs Into the Human Heart. Expression, Regulation, and Function of the Carnitine Transporter OCTN2 (SLC22A5)

Ризопрол (Бисопролола фумарат)
Effect on sudden death of heart failure treatment started with bisoprolol followed by enalapril, compared to the opposite order: Results of the randomized CIBIS III trial
Clinical Safety and Efficacy of Combination of Bisoprolol and Hydrochlorthiazide (2.5 mg and 6.25 mg) as Monotherapy in Mild-to-Moderate Essential Hypertension
The Effect Of Bisoprolol On Perioperative Mortality And Myocardial Infarction In High-Risk Patients Undergoing Vascular Surgery
Effects of bisoprolol fumarate on left ventricular size, function, and exercise capacity in patients with heart failure: Analysis with magnetic resonance myocardial tagging
Effects of bisoprolol on lipoprotein cholesterol subfractions and apolipoproteins in patients with hypertension

Рофлоксан (Офлоксацин)
Ofloxacin and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Clinical Evaluation of Ofloxacin in Symptomatic Lower Urinary Tract Infection
The use of ofloxacin in the treatment of diabetic foot infections: preliminary findings
Ofloxacin pharmacokinetics in saliva
Efficacy and Safety of Ofloxacin in the Treatment of Non-Gonococcal Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Ролиноз (Цетиризин)
Evaluation Of Cetirizine Hydrochloridebased Therapeutic Strategy For Chronic Urticaria
The Efficacy of Cetirizine in the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Allergic Bronchial Asthma
Modification of Antihistaminic Activity of Cetirizine by Nimesulide
Comparison of the Antihistaminic Activity Between Cetirizine Enantiomers

Роноцит (Цитиколин)
CDP-choline (citicoline) attenuates brain damage in a rat model of birth asphyxia
Role of citicoline in the management of mild head injury
Oral Citicoline in Acute Ischemic Stroke An Individual Patient Data Pooling Analysis of Clinical Trials
Citicoline Protects Against Cognitive Impairment in a Rat Model of Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion
Citicoline Improves Verbal Memory in Aging

Ротацеф (Цефтриаксон)
Ceftriaxone Therapy for Staphylococcal Osteomyelitis: A Review
Effects of Penicillin, Ceftriaxone, and Doxycycline on Morphology of Borrelia burgdorferi
Treatment of neurosyphilis with ceftriaxone
Penetration of ceftriaxone into the intervertebral disc
Response of pulmonary nocardiosis to ceftriaxone in a patient with AIDS

Ротокиназа (Стрептокиназа)
Intracoronary Streptokinase after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Intrapleural Streptokinase in a Two-Year-Old Child with a Parapneumonic Effusion
Treatment of Clot Retention with Intravesical Streptokinase Instillation: A Case Report
Leriche Syndrome: Treatment with Streptokinase and Angioplasty
The Systemic Fibrinolytic Activity of Intrapleural Streptokinase

Ротаритмил (Амиодарона гидрохлорид)
Safety and Efficacy of Amiodarone
A comparison of amiodarone and digoxin for treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias after cardiac surgery
Prescribing Amiodarone: An Evidence-Based Review of Clinical Indications

Ротавит Ройал (Витаминно-минеральный комплекс)

Роксипим (Цефепим)
Efficacy of cefepime versus ceftazidime in the treatment of adult pneumonia
Refl ection and Reaction
A Multicenter Comparative Study of Cefepime Versus Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Therapy in Moderate and Severe Bacterial Infections
Effi cacy and safety of cefepime: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Cefepime: pharmacokinetics in children

Токсивенол (Троксерутин/Карбазохром)

Тубертам (Этамбутол)

Вобилон (Гинкго билоба)

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